Advanced Printing Options

Automated Tax Generation

Advanced Printing Options

Taking orders is one thing.  If you want the food made correctly, communication to the kitchen is also infinitely important. Arrow has very advanced printing options for kitchen clarity.

Kitchen Make Line Tickets

Kitchen tickets can take many forms:

  • Different profiles by Service Type - To Go, Pickup, Delivery, Expediter
  • Table Service tickets will only print items as they are coursed, not the whole ticket
  • Expediter Ticket - Entire check and necessary specifics for Pickup and Delivery

Make Line Monitors - typically called VDU or KDS

If you dont want paper tickets, use a make line monitor.  These can also be set up to differentiate by priority - To Go, Pickup, Delivery can be separated for timing.  They can also be set up to bump - print to cut table.

Box Label Printers

Some operators want box labels printer printed instead of paper tickets.  Many times these are used in conjunction with a Make Line Monitor.

Get Started

Right Now!

Your POS system should run your business more efficiently, and make your profits explode. You will be top-of-mind when your customers are thinking of food. You will build repeat business with incentives, keeping them coming back. And you will be right where the next generation of customers want you to be: Online and in social media.

Asset 3


Corporate Headquarters

Arrow Point of Sale, Inc.
670 North Madison St
Suite A
Crown Point IN 46307

Ohio Office

Arrow Point of Sale, Inc.
5806 Zarley Street Suite B
New Albany, OH 43054

Sales: 800.850.0039
Support: 888.378.3338