What’s Hot?


Handling Industry Trends and Concerns

Ask yourself this:  Are you in business to feed the masses, or is your goal to make money? There is nothing wrong with the word "Profit." If you only want to feed the masses and not make money, stop reading and Google "503c" or "Chapter 7."

Never before has technology been so important.  The restaurant industry has been evolving rapidly since Covid, and owners face unprecedented challenges. What is worse is many negative aspects are hitting at the same moment and hitting hard.

  • Minimum wage laws
  • Employee hiring and retention have never been harder
  • Food costs are going through the roof
  • Historically high energy costs... gas and electric
  • Out-of-control inflation hitting you, your employees, and your customers
  • Never-ending out-of-the-blue government taxes and regulations

With all of that happening, how do you protect profits? At its core, there is no mystery.  It's simple math.  Increase sales while controlling and even decreasing costs. Let's break it down.

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Increasing Revenue

Descreasing Costs


Don't be afraid to raise menu prices.
Remove low margin items
Promote your most profitable items, not necessarily your favorites.


Attract more customers
Keep them coming back
Increase their spend per visit
Treat them with respect


Use technology to decrease head count, particularly for ordering.
Use tight scheduling to get the most out of your valued employees


Watch inventory closely
Reduce waste

Your Customers are Everything

Attrat new customers, keep them coming back, increase spend per visit.  These are the concepts of Arrow's Point-of-Marketing. By design, Arrow captures an incredible amount of information about your customers.  We then provide the tools to keep your customers coming back with fully-integrated, powerful, automated, and cash-generating marketing features.

Integrated Online Ordering

Integrated OLO reduces your need for labor hours.  Customers now expect the convenience of ordering food online which truly helps you. However, the OLO system must be simple for them to use, plus be an extension of your POS for ticket handling and menu maintenance.

Your Own Call Center

Turn your kitchen into pure production without the distraction and mayhem of ringing phones. Imagine having your phones answered by your own professional and well trained order takers sitting in a quiet undistracted environment. Their check accuracy and upselling will dramatically increase your average check and reduce mistakes. 

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Self-Serve Kiosks

Reduce the lines in your lobby with Self-Serve Kiosks.  You have seen them, we have them.

Kill Your Processing Fees

We bet you love your monthly credit card statements.  What you pay the processors comes directly out of your profit. Cash discounts allow you to radically lower your monthly processing fees by motivating customers to pay with cash. 

Tip Pooling

Let your customers offset your payroll costs with tip pooling.  Ask us about this feature.

Be Sure to Pop By !

ArrowPOS is at the International Pizza Expo in Vegas.

Keep your employees up to speed by receiving real-time information about aspects of the business while increasing your customer foot traffic.

Advanced POS Features

Work on your business,

Your POS is the hub of your restaurant and need to do more than just sending checks to the kitchen.  Arrow is a complete Business Management System.

Cash Discounts Powered by FlatZero Processing

Stop Paying Processing Fees!

Merchants like you have become unwilling participants in the processing wars. Nearly all cards compete to attract consumers with the “Highest Return Rewards Cards.” Consumers are gobbling them up. After all, everyone wants cash-back, free vacations, free concerts, and free airline travel.

Guess what. YOU are footing the bill. YOU are paying the cash-back. YOU are paying for all the vacations and perks. Your fees are entirely out of your control and they are only going higher.

Ask now about Arrow's exclusive FlatZero Processing

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Business Types

From small operations wanting to grow, to major franchises wanting to expand, Arrow helps every business type

Pizza Operations

Pizza Operations

Delivery operations are one area where we excel. Perhaps this is because we have been developing POS for this service type for over 3 decades.  Or maybe because we are owner / operators of four high volume operations which we use for concept advancement and testing.  We know Pizza.

Sub Shops

Sub Shops

The same features that make us successful in pizza applies to sub shops, particularly if delivery / carryout is involved. ArrowPOS will serve as the engine for your business, providing everything you need to grow.

Quick Service

Quick Service

With Arrow, QSR is a snap. The simple, intuitive interface will have you servicing customers quickly. At the same time, the advanced level of functionality allows your customers to experience a level of customization rarely seen in restaurant fast food. Check us out.

Casual Dining + Bar

Casual Dining + Bar

Also designed for casual table service restaurants, Arrow POS can be easily configured to work with any menu. ArrowPOS will enhance your customers' dining experience while keeping your business running smoothly.

Mixed Service Types

Mixed Service Types

Do you have any combination of Quick Service Table Service, Bar, Delivery / Carryout? Arrow is one of the few POS systems that handles all of the facets of a Mixed Service Type extremely well. 

Call Centers

Call Centers

With labor costs going through the roof, call center operations are becoming more pertinent today than ever before, and we are way ahead of the curve on this function.  Arrow has developed two types of Call Center Control systems.

Centralized Call Centers: A one number system where all calls come into the same hub.  Orders are placed and them fired off into each location.

Dispersed Call Center: Store locations can answer phones and take orders on another location.

Call us for these discussions.  There is too much to describe here.

Chain Operations

Chain Operations

Arrow POS is a cloud point of sale system for growing restaurant chains. Arrow provides an innovative system you need to manage your business. 

Franchise Operations

Franchise Operations

Arrow is used by many franchise operations of varous sizes across the country. We understand your operation is unique and will work with you for customized reporting. ArrowPOS is an affordable yet powerful tool designed to maximize the potential of your business. We are proud to be your Business Management partner.

Point of Marketing

Automated Marketing Tools Designed for Dramatic Growth

Your customer hasn’t changed, but the means and methods of reaching them have dramatically evolved. The traditional print media is virtually dead as the primary marketing focus. If you can embrace the new marketing avenues of Automated Rewards, Email, Social Media, Online Ordering, and other advanced tools, you can win the neighborhood battle for your customers’ minds and their appetites.

It all starts by using our tools to  ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMERS!  And then...

Keep Them Returning

Now that you have them, keep them. The average customer frequents their favorite restaurant twice per month. If you can pull them back just one more time per month, you will see a 50% increase in your sales.

Automate + Simplify

No owner has time to create or babysit a marketing program. The tools have to be simple or it won't get done.

Quantify Results

Marketing must be an investment in success, not a cost, of doing business. If something works, repeat it. If not, reallocate those funds elsewhere.

Attract New Customers

We have integrated many advanced features in Arrow POS+POM to inexpensively and powerfully lure new customers through your doors.

Trusted by Thousands and Thousands of Restaurants

Just to name a few...

Get Started

Right Now!

Arrow is perhaps the finest Business Management System Available.  You owe it to yourself and your business to chat with us and see if Arrow is, or is not for you.

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Corporate Headquarters

Arrow Point of Sale, Inc.
670 North Madison St
Suite A
Crown Point IN 46307

Ohio Office

Arrow Point of Sale, Inc.
5806 Zarley Street Suite B
New Albany, OH 43054

Sales: 800.850.0039
Support: 888.378.3338